5 Sleeping myths you probably didn’t know

Posted by Puneet Murthika on Mon, Nov 19, 2012  
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Sleep, the elixir of beauty, the charger to your inner battery, or to most of the best way to spend our Sunday. But how much do you really know about sleep? Here is a list of top 5 Myths about sleep that you probably didn’t know.


  • Myth 1 :Eight hours of sleep is necessary


This is a very common fact that most us keep hearing- an average adult needs about 8-9 hrs of sleep to function to his best, but is it reall true? Nope!


"We don't have a lot of data on what exactly is the best amount of sleep for a person is, but it's most certainly individual," says Dr. Robert Basner, director of the sleep center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center.


The number 8 hours is just an average, some people need about seven to nine hours of sleep to get fully recharged while others need only four hours a night and some actually need as much as 12!


  • Myth 2 : When you can’t sleep, just stay in the bed longer.


On a sleepless night Spending more time on the bed doesn’t necessarily bring you any sleep or add up to the number of hours you sleep.


Spending more time on the bed sleepless might actually ruin the relationship between the bed and your sleep on long term bases.


  • Myth 3: As you grow older you’ll need lesser amount of sleep


An adult needs as much sleep as a youngster. “What changes”, says Dr. Epstein, “is that it isn’t the amount of sleep you need, it’s how well you’re able to sleep.”


It’s a basic rule scenario of quality beating quantity


  • Myth 4: Naps Can Help You Catch Up With Sleep


There can be no substitute for a good night's sleep! Naps may provide a short-term solution to daytime sleepiness, but it is not a permanent solution to sleep. The longer you nap, the more likely you are to wake up from deep sleep leading you to feel confused and groggy.


Napping in the day may also lead to insomnia, as it may shift your body's rhythms.


Myth 5: Too much sleep too good? 

Sadly that is not the case. Some studies have found that people who slept for more than eight hours a night died younger than people who got between six and eight hours of sleep. Scientist are yet to discover if whether sleeping longer causes poor health or is just a symptom of it.


Long sleepers beware as you be may suffer from problems such as sleep apnea, depression, or uncontrolled diabetes.


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